Students' social development is key to their educational development and becoming active members of their communities. At Canarelli Middle School, we provide a plenitude of diverse clubs and activities to promote student creativity, enrichment, and social growth.
Clubs & Activities
Canarelli offers a variety of clubs and activities for students to enjoy. Check the list below to find a club that suits you or check our athletics page.
Club & Activity Meeting Schedule
Anime Club
Band Practice Club
Black Student Union (BSU)
Cheer/Spirit Squad
Chess Club
Coed Volleyball
Craft Club
Dance Team
Drama Club
J.V. Quiz
K-Pop Club
Learning and Teaching Club
Lego Competition Team
Magic Club
Model UN Club
Spanish Club
Virtual Cooking Club

After School
Canarelli also offers a variety of after school services to support academic achievement. These services include after school tutoring, library access, computer labs, NJHS, and more.